Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Week one!

This is a message I was sent from Gabi during week 3 at the MTC!  She is learning a lot about scheduling, teaching people who are interested in the gospel, working with other missionaries, scripture study habits and more!

"I have been way busy! BUT I LOVE IT! It is crazy scary work but I can't wait to do it.  Plus, I only have to do stuff to have the spirit with me and HE does the REAL work. The MTC is AMAZING.  They take such wonderful care of us. My teachers are awesome, my companions are amazing and my district is incredible!  Seriously, I love love love my district.  Its pretty crazy but their like family now.  We all hang out and do as much as possible together. <3  This is pretty short but I'm running out of time. I love everyone and miss them!  PLEASE WRITE =] I wont to hear from my lovely family and friends. 
All my love,

She is having a great time but she's needing letter love!  Send her a snail mail letter to:

Sister Gabriela C. Schumacher
California Los Angeles Mission
10777 W Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90025

OR if you are tech savvy, and would like to send her a paper letter from dearelder.com!  You do have to create an account, but its really easy, you enter her address, and then type your letter in the box, pay the price of a stamp, and voila!  They print your letter and send it to her on mail day!  Its a really easy solution if you aren't a letter mailer.  She would love to hear from all of you!!