Thursday, May 26, 2011

Gabi Letter 5/23/11

Let me start by saying, I love being a missionary. I've figured out why everyone says it is the best time of their lives... because it is one of the only times in our lives when we are completely dedicated to the Lord and striving to live his Gospel so strictly.  I pray that I'll be able to enjoy life this much after the mission as long as I continue to strive to live the Gospel as much as possible...
This week has really been full of miracles.  We have 3 baptismal dates in the works starting as of this week.  Lisandro is an investigator that we have had in the area for quite sometime now.  He really wants the blessings that come with baptism and is working to find a job and another place to live in order for him to be able to be baptised.  Israel is 27, from Mexico and his parents and brother are members of the church.  His Brother Served a mission and he looks to his example a lot in his life.  He already believes that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and we were able to extend him a baptismal date during our first meeting with him!  He is really awesome and has a lot of questionsand a lot of faith, which we love.  Ricardo is 19 and he lives in the projects.  He is another investigator that has had a prior baptismal date but wasn't able to make it due to some habits he is trying to kick.  He is really a great kid, he just doesn't see a lot of potential in himself or his abilities even though we can. (That is how God feels about all of us times a million).  We have also had the opportunity to work around our area in the evenings recently and we have had a lot of great lessons on the street and as we knocked on a few doors.  We were able to set an appiontment to meet with a man named Hubert (about mid-30s) he has spoken with missionaries before and really wanted to learn more.  We are really excited about the progress we are seeing and I am learning so much from Hermana Bustamante.  She is an amazing missionary, she really cares about the people and the quality of our work and she is a wonderful companion.   Key to any great realtionship - self improvement.  Work on yourselves, become a better you and as both people do so things will work out as God intends them too.

((((******This is in response to a comment left last post.  If you leave comments here I will send ANYTHING from ANY of you to Gabi and she'll reply back here!!))))

To Brother and Sister Page:
I LOVE YOU and I'm so thankful for you and your family in my life and for the support and encouragement I have ALWAYS recieved from you.  This isn't a nice long letter but I couldn't go on without saying thank you. Love,
Sister Schumacher

Friday, May 20, 2011

Gabi Letter 5/15/11

So, Maybe I'm a bucket of tears right now... haha.  I opened my mail today, one giant envelope from my Camp Springs family - Relief Society.  And I began to think, is it really all done?  Is my little branch REALLY being closed down?  Heavenly Father gives us things and takes them away to help us to grow and ache and recognize the good we have.  My tears, they are from the stretching my heart has to do.  I LOVE that I even had the chance to be a part of such a difficult and maturing task of starting  a Branch and putting my heart into it.  The people I have meet there are my family and some of my best friends.
I remember the day that the stake president, President Page, called my family into his office and asked us to help start a branch.  We had been living back in Maryland for 2 years and I had JUST made some friends in the Ward we were in. (I was the type of kid that was a bit uncomfortable about approaching strangers so finally having a few good friends was a big deal for me, especially being kinda new to the area). To say the least I was NOT happy about this request but Dad's response to my gripping was 'the Lord has asked us to do this so we are going to do this'.  I was not allowed or able to argue that.
There was a lot asked of everyone who was in attendance and no experts on how anything was to be done but we did what we could.  I was not the best at teaching lessons or being a leader.  I was a brat, stubborn, and lets be honest now - Who doesn't know about my desire to bite back at anyone who bit me first? (you could say I was very much a follower of the law of Moses, an eye for an eye anyone?) not very Christlike. haha
God doesn't call us to serve him because we are perfect or the best qualified.  He does it because he knows it is what we need to draw nearer to him.  We don't hear about the great faith of that random boy in the scriptures who didn't except the challenge the Lord was giving to him,  We do hear of how Moses was able to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt because he had faith in what the Lord was asking of him though.  I have learned SO much from everyone in my small familiar little branch full of people who just struggle with life, but were willing to do what God was commanding of them.  Among those things: how to take on challenges, overcome weaknesses and difficult circumstances, love, teach, have patience, etc.  It has been the BEST preparation I could have had before coming on a mission.
Which is kinda ironic because I have had a lot of changes the past few months.  Since in LA I have had 4 companions in the past 6 months, I have worked in 3 wards, and I have had 4 areas.  It has been interesting, hard and amazingly rewarding.  My current companion is Sister Bustamante from Spain.  She is amazing and we are learning so much together.  I don't have my camera cord with me today but I promise to send pictures from the past few months to give you some visual aid. ;)
I love you all and I'm thankful to have you in my life.

Sister (gabi) Schumacher

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Gabi Letter 5/2/11

Hello all! <3 I know it has been quite some time since I have posted, SORRY!!!! Mission life is busy and from those who have sent me letters and I have yet to respond, SORRY!!! again, I have a list of you I'm working my way through. I will definitely respond, promise.  If I don't, blame my forgetfulness, it is not intentional.
So, a lot has happened with in the past few months! I have had 2 companions within the past 3 months and my current companion, Sister Stout, is heading home.  Come May 11th I'll have a new companion, I'll keep you posted.  Some things about Sister Stout, 1) she is just awesome and so fun, 2) it's cause she is #15 out of 16 Kids! haha, that isn't the only reason but I thought it would fun to through that in. If your wondering, all of them are from the same 2 parents and there are 2 sets of twins. haha.
The area we are in right now is called Brentwood, it is a very nice area and we just love our ward so much!  The ward mission leader is Brother Smith, he is fairly young and he and his wife are just great.  Brother Smith is always doing what he can to help us, as are the Ward missionaries and other members.  Even though we do have a lot going for us in that aspect we are having a bit of a difficult time finding anyone that really wants to make a serious commitment or take what we are teaching and really apply it.  We are praying a lot and doing our best so we know we will find someone soon. =]
The Visitor's Center is awesome as well.  These past few weeks we have been setting a lot of goals and working on a lot of different aspects in the Visitor's Center that we want to improve on.  I love healthy progression. Last night we had a concert by Sister Fonokalafi's cousin (she is one of the Sisters in the Visitor's Center and one of my best friends).  It was amazing, he invited his friends - Zion's Voice- to come in and perform with him.  I was blown away.  I really love seeing people's talent come out and shine, it is such a gift to me!  I feel like there is so much I want to be able to do and learn, for example - play the ykelele, piano, learn how to sing properly, etc. hahaha. I'll get there.
I have just been loving this experience and I'm so thankful to my Heavenly Father for this time to grow and learn and to become more like the person he wants me to be. I love you all and I'll write more next week! PROMISE!!!!
Hermana/Sister Schumacher